October is Fall Care Month because it gives you a chance to prepare your vehicle for the harsh winter conditions. Fall is beautiful and other than a little rain, the conditions are great for driving. As Fall comes to an end, it is an excellent idea to fine-tune it and make it safer to reduce the chances of getting into an accident during winter. You should do the following during October, the Fall car care month:
Tires and Brakes
The tires and brakes are integral to making your vehicle safe for the winter months. The roads are wet and icy during winter making them incredibly dangerous. You should ensure your car's tires have deep treads, including the spare, for more friction when driving. Regularly check the air pressure to keep the tires strong for the winter. Consider getting special tires for icy winter roads. Ensure the brakes are in excellent condition, as they are the most crucial safety system in your car.
Your vehicle's battery is crucial for ensuring it runs smoothly during winter. You will often see many car batteries function improperly during winter because of the cold, which makes power generation difficult. If you have an old battery, replace it before winter. Otherwise, ensure it has enough battery acid and no corrosion.
Wipers, Lights, and Heating
Heating your car during winter is paramount. Therefore, ensure the car's heater and defroster are working properly. Fix it immediately if there is an issue. You should also consider replacing your wipers because you will sorely need them during winter. Replace the wiper blades and get winter washer fluid. Ensuring the lights work properly will also be vital for winter visibility.
Oil and Filters
Dirty oil means trouble during winter, so you should get a new bottle of oil and change the car's oil religiously. You should also consider replacing the oil filter before winter, as it will be essential to having clean oil. Check the fuel, air, and transmission filters too.
If you need your vehicle serviced, we invite you to bring your vehicle to Hyland Auto Repair today!