Posted on 12/30/2022
Have you been wondering what an Oil pan gasket is? You've been meaning to get it but have no idea what is. This is article is just what you've been looking for to educate you fully on what you need to know. What is an Oil Pan Gasket? An oil pan gasket is an item that clamps and secures your oil pan. It collaborates with your oil pan to guarantee that the majority of motor oil is contained in your engine, keeping each part oiled and operating flawlessly. Oil Pan Gasket Leak Symptoms Watch out for these signs so as to easily detect a leaking oil pan gasket; Smoking Vehicle One of the most apparent indications that may crop up whenever the oil pan gasket is eroded away is smoke from the engine. The smoke normally occurs when oil drips onto the exhaust pipes or manifold. Failure to pay enough attention to this issue may result in other difficulties, such as damage to your gas sensor and other automobile components as a result of being drenched in oil for an extended pe ... read more
Posted on 11/29/2022

When it comes to brake problems, they are easier to spot than some other vehicle parts. Between various sounds and sensations, you can spot worn brake pads early enough to avoid a dangerous situation. We recommend staying alert and being on the lookout for the following signs of bad brake pads: Screeching or grinding: Brake pads and many other brake parts are made of metal. They wear thin over time, and they have wear indicators that create an ear-piercing sound to warn you to have your brakes serviced. Don’t wait too long after these cues because it can damage other brake components and lead to more expensive repairs. Shaky Steering Wheel and/or Brake Pedal: As just mentioned, worn brake pads can spread damage. More often, thin brake pads can rub against the brake rotor and send a series of vibrations to the pedal and steering wheel. It is pretty discomforting to sit through, so please pay attention to your brakes when they need you! Brake Warning Light Comes On: Most ... read more
Posted on 10/27/2022

October is Fall Care Month because it gives you a chance to prepare your vehicle for the harsh winter conditions. Fall is beautiful and other than a little rain, the conditions are great for driving. As Fall comes to an end, it is an excellent idea to fine-tune it and make it safer to reduce the chances of getting into an accident during winter. You should do the following during October, the Fall car care month: Tires and Brakes The tires and brakes are integral to making your vehicle safe for the winter months. The roads are wet and icy during winter making them incredibly dangerous. You should ensure your car's tires have deep treads, including the spare, for more friction when driving. Regularly check the air pressure to keep the tires strong for the winter. Consider getting special tires for icy winter roads. Ensure the brakes are in excellent condition, as they are the most crucial safety system in your car. Battery Your vehicle's battery is crucial for ensuring it r ... read more
Posted on 9/30/2022
It is officially fall or autumn, which means it is time to travel to enjoy viewing sporting events. For many Americans, tailgating has been a long-time tradition that brings close friends and families together before a game starts. So whether you're at your favorite football team's game or BBQ-ing elsewhere, remember to follow these safe tailgating tips. First things first, there are tips you should follow before you even hit the road for the game. If you’re bringing raw meats and poultry, be sure to keep them separated. And the cooler should be cool enough to store them at a safe temperature. Next, you’ll want to be extra careful of your surroundings. Once you approach the stadium or arena, there will be large crowds scattered everywhere. This includes pedestrians. Please drive slowly and practice defensive driving. Once you arrive, be mindful of other people and the things you unpack. We recommend that you bring a portable charger for all y ... read more
Posted on 8/22/2022
A coolant flush, sometimes referred to as a radiator flush, is the process of cleaning and exchange of coolant/antifreeze. That includes the fluid lines too. During the fluid exchange, a certified technician will get rid of all of the old and grimy antifreeze by removing it from your radiator and adding a new supply of clean coolant. This service will restore your car’s health and replenish the engine with temperature-stabilizing chemicals. As a result, it can prevent costly cooling system repairs down the line. And therefore, coolant flushes are a maintenance service that can save you thousands of dollars from engine overheating. Most people contemplate whether a coolant flush is necessary, and it absolutely is. Sometimes, your mechanic will recommend this service after they inspect your car. Another way to tell when you need a coolant exchange is by looking at the owner’s manual. Your automaker will list out where your coolant flush falls on your maintenance sche ... read more
Posted on 7/25/2022

Identifying car problems based on symptoms is a great skillset to have. One of the easiest signs to identify is colored exhaust smoke. You can diagnose many common car problems depending on the smoke color. Black Smoke If your car is emitting black smoke, this is a sign that the air-fuel mixture in your engine is running rich. Gas engines are designed to run on balanced amounts of air and gas, and improper amounts can cause problems. Your car runs rich when there is more gas than air. Your car can run rich for many reasons, including a dirty or clogged air filter or leaking injectors. It's also worth checking if your ignition timing is proper, and to see if your sensors and fuel pressure switches are working. Blue Smoke If your car is emitting blue or grey smoke, this means that your car is burning oil. Having well oiled parts is important for your engine to function, but there's no circumstance in which oil should be burning in the combus ... read more
Posted on 6/29/2022

What is a summer without road trips? A family road trip can be made with lots of fun if you incorporate games along the way. If you ever get bored on a long drive, try out these games to pass the time. Would You Rather While it is technically not a win or lose game, Would You Rather is a great game to get conversations started. You and your passengers can strike up discussions and learn something new about one another. This game is loved by many, old and young. 20 Questions 20 Questions is another classic, and it can be played by people of all ages. One person in the car gets to pick something, a person, place, thing, idea, etc., and keep it to themselves, while the other people in the car have twenty questions to ask and guess. Trivia Crack You may have heard of this game before, as it was all the rage several years ago. To play this game, you’ll need a mobile device to get the app. It is a great way to stay preoccupied, and you can challenge your friends in Pv ... read more
Posted on 5/30/2022

Being a good driver starts with patience and caution. Practicing healthy driving habits can increase safety and vehicle longevity in the long run. The following list is a good refresher of tips and advice that can make you a better driver. Read the owner’s manual Every vehicle comes with a thick handbook with all the information you’ll ever need to know as a driver. Reading the manual is an essential task because the automakers outline all the maintenance that your car may need. Stop distracted driving Distracted driving is one of the most prevalent problems for car accidents today. So next time you get behind the wheel, please remember to put your phone away and shift complete focus to the road. Your hands should be on the steering wheel and your eyes on the road. Stick with your maintenance schedule If you want your automobile to run at peak performance, you should always be on time with your factory-recommended services. This includes oil changes, tire mainte ... read more
Posted on 4/22/2022

We've all been there – it's time to move, and every square inch of vehicle space counts. You invite some friends over and start trying to work out how exactly that futon is going to wedge in between three boxes of clothes and all your dishes. Nothing can make moving completely painless, but these three key tips you can follow to make sure you (and your vehicle) pull things off without a hitch. Prepare Your Car Before you start loading your vehicle with your worldly possessions, take a few moments to really prepare your space. Clean out the car, removing any garbage or knickknacks. Fold down any seats you can. Take a moment to have your vehicle serviced, too – there's nothing worse than car trouble when you're in the middle of a move, especially if the car in trouble has all your stuff inside. Plan Your Packing Once your vehicle is certified ready-to-go, it's time to plan how you're going to load everything up. Ta ... read more
Posted on 3/31/2022

The truth is you don't need to be a certified technician to understand how the timing belt works. Truthfully, the more you know about it, the better chance you'll have at keeping your engine parts healthy. Read on to learn more about the importance of your vehicle's timing belt. What Does the Timing Belt Do Your vehicle has multiple belts and hoses that play key roles in running your car. Today, we're going to be talking about the timing belt in particular. The timing belt is directly related to your engine's operation. It is in charge of synchronizing the rotation of your crankshaft and camshaft. In other words, the timing belt allows the valves to open and close at the appropriate times. The rubber teething on the belt allows accurate timing. Over time, the connection becomes weak, and the belt will deteriorate. And if a vehicle owner does not change their timing belt on time, the pistons will likely strike the valves, damaging the motor. Signs ... read more